HHHSC Monitoring Rules & Regulations

While we in no way want to control what you play and how often, we must require a level of integrity in order to present a truthful and fair charting system.

In times past to current, we have seen stations give songs and incredible number of spins within one week which would suggest that there are no listeners to that station and it’s only purpose is to manipulate charting systems or that such stations are promising something to the artist for a fee or favor.

Therefore we have come to what we consider to be a fair and practical number of spins for one song per week per station down to a number no more than 56. This equates to 8 spins a day and to be in compliance with DMCA, each spin must be 3 hours apart.

If any station is playing a song more than 56 times in 7 days, can that truly be pleasing to a listener who is listening all day while at work?

All we ask is that you be reasonable with your promotions and promises to labels, promoters and artist. We also encourage working with other stations to achieve a desired spin goal per week.

Having said that, we reserve the right to review and remove any station that is playing any one song more than 56 times within a 7 day period after they have been notified of the occurrences.

This was formulated based on the DMCA rules.  DMCA Radio Song Rotation Rules


Our charting system is based on mp3/stream metadata – Artist – Title; In order to count the actual number of plays each song has across all stations, each song must be properly represented with the correct metadata.

This serves two extremely import reasons:
1. The song writer can get properly compensated for performance royalties.
2. The charts will accurately reflect true data coming from each station.

Artists, if you want to make sure you get your performance royalties for radio airplay, you must make sure your song metadata is correctly embedded into the mp3 before you send it to anyone. For more on this Click Here For The Masterclass.

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